Verify the following:
Case details
Document to be Filed
Filing Role in Case
Select the check box to certify redaction before any documents can be uploaded.
Note: The Browse and the Upload buttons are disabled until you certify redaction.
Required documents will be marked with an '*' depending on the Filing selected.
Check the check box to confirm redaction.
The file format to be used while uploading is displayed under file name. For example 'PDF icon'.
Select the 'Access Restriction' for each document that you wish to upload. This will ensure security at the document level.
Note: Access restriction will typically default to 'Public'.
When you select an access restriction category – Confidential, Restricted or Protected – you will be required to select the reason (s) for the non-public access. This is pursuant to Rule 1:38.
Note: Access restriction essentially defines as to who may access the documents you file:
Options are:
Confidential - All Case Attorneys and Court
Restricted - Filer, Adversary(ies) and Court
Protected - Filer and Court
Select the reasons and then click 'Apply'.
Click on Browse to select a file for uploading.
Select the document to be uploaded from your computer and click Open to upload the document; as shown below.
Any document uploaded in error can be removed by clicking on the symbol on the left most column of the corresponding document.
After uploading a document, but prior to submitting a filing, the document can be previewed in eCourts to ensure that the correct document was uploaded. To preview the document, click the hyperlinked name of the uploaded file.
If you need to add any additional documents then click on the sign at the bottom to add a new row.
Note: Every required document and/or any additional documents need to be uploaded separately.
Once the required documents are uploaded, the Filing Details at the bottom of the page must be completed (Required fields are marked with a '*').
Additional options may appear depending on the option selected for each question.
If you are not waiving the defendant's appearance for this event, additional options to select the current location of the defendant will appear.
If you need an interpreter for this event, additional options for the language will appear.
You can select the language from the drop down list (OR) you can start typing the language you are looking for and the drop down list will narrow down the choices.
If you need ADA accommodation, additional options for the type of accommodation will appear.
In addition to the above entries, an optional proposed return/hearing date can be entered.
Click Continue to proceed further
Click the link for help on Review and Submit your eFiling