Case Jacket Details


The Case Jacket is used to view and/or print the case details, party details and filing details associated with the selected case. There are three sections:  The Case Heading, Case Details and the Case Actions.


The standard details of the case are taken from the Tax Court Management System and displayed at the top of the electronic Case Jacket.



Plaintiff, Defendant and Property details are taken from the Tax Court Management System and displayed in the section below the Heading. The number of  Plaintiffs, Defendants and Properties are indicated by the number on the tab. In the following example (2) means there are two Plaintiffs.   To view the second defendant, click on the right arrowhead.




The first Plaintiff collapses and the next Plaintiff displays.




Click the Defendants tab or the Properties tab to view them. Defendants display the same information as Plaintiffs. The Properties tab includes assessment information.  To view additional entries, click on the right arrowhead






Filing Date is the date the filing was submitted to the Tax Court. If the filing was submitted electronically the Entry Date will match the Filing Date. If the filing was submitted on paper and scanned by the Tax Court Management Office, then the Entry Date indicates the date the electronic version was uploaded and the Filing Date indicates the date the filing was received by the court.


Filings Column


The Filings column includes a link to the documents filed electronically in the form of a number that indicates the sequence these filings were added to the electronic Case Jacket (e.g. 1, 2, …). To view the documents of a filing click on this link. The ‘Documents” pop-up displays with a list of the documents in the selected filing.




To view an individual document, either click the name of the document (e.g. Complaint) or click the checkbox to the left of the document name and then click the Save/Print Selected Documents button. To view more than one document click the checkbox to the left of those documents to be viewed and then click the Save/Print Selected Documents button. To quickly select all documents, click the checkbox for ‘Select All’.


When more than one document is selected, all documents will display as one PDF that can be saved or printed as one file. Each document has a blue stamp with the filing date and the unique Transaction ID assigned by eCourts.




The envelope icon indicates email notification for the filing. Click  to view the email notification associated with the filing.





The Docket Text provides information about the filing including the Filing Type, Filing Attorney and Firm and name of Party represented.


Each Filing has a unique ID stamped on each document.  


The Bar ID of the filer.


The columns in the Case Actions section may be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the sort symbol. ↕